Being pregnant, working full time an hour away from home and blogging didn't work out well for me... in fact I barely could make it being pregnant and working an hour from home... something had to give and so naturally it was blogging.... but since I am slowly starting to get a schedule down with little man I might have a few moments on my hand to blog again!
January 4th 2012, that's right people 2 days after my due date Chaz and I went to the doctor AGAIN... and they decided if I wanted they would induce me. (well NATURALLY any pregnant woman past her due date would say yes because being pregnant for over 40 weeks is TORTURE) So off we went to the hospital at 4 pm.... it's so weird I wasn't nervous at all that night, I was so excited and ready I didn't even think to be nervous. THe induction began and the doctor said she would be back in to check on me but he would probably make his appearance around 4 pm the next day, so we settled in and our moms came to visit and then everyone decided we should get some rest. Now I won't bore you with my labor story because trust me it's boring... except for the part where at 4 AM it was time to push! At 4:31, I finally got to meet the little mover and shaker I had been growing inside my belly (WHICH WAS HUGE by the way)

That first moment when I met my son... was probably the best moment of my life, right next to when Chaz and I said I do... I still can't decide which one is better because I wouldn't have one without the other! THEN when they told me how much he weighed... i about fell off the hospital bed... 9 lbs 12 oz, he was a MONSTER.... but a cute one!

I am pretty much loving this being a mom thing, even if he sometimes refuses to go to sleep until 12 am.... (which is rarely I might add) He seriously is adorable and I love every minute with him! I simply cannot believe it has already been 5 weeks... seems like yesterday I took that picture, and now he looks like this....

And this week, he started smiling... it melts my heart, and I can't wait for him to have that little baby laugh to go with it that is so contagious! Chaz and I both have enjoyed figuring out ways to make him laugh, for now, this big 'ol grin will make me happy!

I am really hoping to keep up with my blogging so I can share some little moments with you all as he grows (which is already happening WAY to fast for me)
This week.... we begin our process of moving, so let's hope it all goes smoothly.... with a 5 week old it could be VERY interesting!
~Love Love Love~
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